Though educated, CYJULERC members are focused on giving a voice to the voiceless and transforming lives in the rural communities, which is why they focused on fighting against female genital mutilation, breast ironing, girl child bondage, widowhood, child marriage, unsafe abortion etc. which are practiced in the most remote communities and cities of Cameroon. 


Sexual Reproductive Health Rights Project

In October 2022, CYJULERC embarked on a project to promote Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights of Conflict-affected women and girls, funded by Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF). The objectives of the project is to promote the application of the Abortion Law by the courts to enable conflict-affected women and girls to access safe abortion care and SRHR services in health facilities. CYJULERC held series of Advocacy Workshops with Prosecutors, Judges, Health Workers, Lawyers, CSOs and other stakeholders to lobby for them to play their respective roles in providing safe abortion care, SRHR education and services to conflict-affected population. These stakeholders were trained in their various roles and task-forces were created in the three project regions to enable actors work in synergy. Over 170 stakeholders have so far been trained and partnerships have been created with twenty (20) health centres. Over 2,000 women have already benefited from safe abortion care services in the South West, Littoral and Centre Regions of Cameroon.


Women’s human rights and gender equality in particular remain a major cause for concern 19 years after the ratification of CEDAW in August 1994 by Cameroon. CYJULERC embarked on some strategic plans to promote women’s human rights and fight discriminatory practices, such as female genital mutilation (FGM), forced and child marriage, girl child bondage, and women’s literacy and girl-child education in some rural communities. Legal education and the dissemination of CEDAW, capacity building of stakeholders and promotion of state and non-state actors’ collaboration are part of our activities.